Progressive web app

Postnord has launched a progressive web application to make it easier for you to check your delivery flows directly on your phone or tablet. But what exactly is a progressive web application and how does it work? Here we go through everything you need to know to get started.

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What is a progressive web app?

Progressive web app, or progressive web application, is a web-based application that is installed via web browsers rather than via app stores. In practice, this means that one and the same app can be used by everyone - regardless of the type of device and operating system they use. For the user, a PWA works just like a regular app, but for the company responsible, it is both easier and cheaper to deliver a first-class user experience because they don't have to develop and update separate apps for different operating systems.

How does PWA work?

The difference between a PWA and a regular mobile app is that the PWA has not been developed for a specific operating system but is a kind of responsive website that is downloaded in app form on the user's desktop. Using technologies such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS, the PWA can create fast and engaging user experiences, and the app works whether the user is online or offline.

For an app to be defined as a PWA, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The app is secure, so it can only be accessed over an https connection.
  2. The app uses a so-called service worker that allows it to be used offline.
  3. The app has a Web App Manifest file that links the icon in the device to the website.

Advantages and disadvantages of progressive web applications

Benefits of PWA:

  • You don't need to distribute the app through an app marketplace, you can do it directly on your website.
  • You can update and improve the app whenever you want without users having to update their devices.
  • The app has lower development and management costs because you don't have to develop multiple apps for different operating systems.
  • The PWA works offline because it saves the content when it comes into contact with a network.
  • The PWA has significantly better performance compared to a regular app, which in turn increases the number of conversions.
  • Your website gets more visitors because the app is easily accessible through search engines.

Disadvantages of PWA:

  • Higher development costs than if you had only developed one website, but cheaper than creating several apps for different operating systems.
  • Uses more battery than regular apps.

PostNord Portal Business - a PWA for e-merchants

As a contract customer with Postnord, you get access to Portal Business, a platform where you can book shipping, track deliveries, manage customer cases, handle invoicing and much more. It's simply your best friend when it comes to controlling your delivery flows, and with our PWA Postnord Portal Business, you can get even more out of the portal.

This is what you get when you use Postnord's progressive web application:

  • The app sends you notifications as soon as an issue arises that needs to be dealt with, allowing you to counteract problems before they affect your customer.
  • PWA technology makes the site faster, so you always have access to the latest information.
  • The app has lower development and management costs because you don't have to develop multiple apps for different operating systems.
  • The app works with all your devices, no matter what kind of device and operating system you use.
  • Even though it's an app, you'll never get any annoying notifications that it needs to be updated to the latest version - it's done automatically.
  • You'll have more satisfied customers because you'll be able to handle their cases quickly when they need help.

If you are already a contract customer with a portal account and want to try using Postnord's PWA, download Postnord Portal Business from the Google Play Store. The Postnord Portal Business app is compatible with all browsers and operating systems, so you just need to install the icon and log in to get started.

If you are not yet a Postnord contract customer but would like to become one - click here to create a free business account. If you want more information on how Portal Business can make your work easier, you can read more here.

If you want to read more articles similar to this one, see our collection page E-commerce.

Frequently asked questions about progressive web applications

What is PWA?

The PostNord Portal Business app is available in the Google Play Store, and is compatible with all operating systems and devices.

Why should I use Postnord's PWA?

If you are a Postnord contract customer and use the PostNord Portal Business app, you can check all your delivery flows from your mobile or tablet - great, right?

Does it cost anything to get a Postnord PWA?

No, the PostNord Portal Business app costs nothing to install or use.